How to Add Attachments to Your Test, Test section and Individual Questions

This article provides a step-by-step guide on adding attachments to tests, test sections, and individual questions.

Within our platform, three distinct types of attachments can be added at different levels:

  1. Test Attachments: These attachments are accessible to students either from the test instructions or throughout the entire test.
  2. Section Attachments: In a test with sections, adding different attachments to each section is possible. These attachments can be accessed by students from the section instructions or throughout the entire section.
  3. Question Attachments: Linked directly to individual questions, these attachments help students better understand and answer each question effectively.

Test Attachment #

You can add an attachment to the test either during test creation or after creating the test from the test settings.

Adding attachments during the test creation #

To add an attachment while creating the test, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the Show Advanced Settings in the first step of the test creation wizard.

Test info - advanced settings

  1. Navigate to the Attachments section and use the Create New button to upload an attachment from your device or the Import From Library button to select an attachment already saved in the platform.

Create attachment

Managing attachments of a created test #

To add an attachment to a published test, navigate to the settings of the desired test and select the Attachment tab, where you can manage the test attachments and upload new ones or import them from the library.

Manage attachments

Section Attachment #

You can add section attachments while creating the test or from the section settings of a created test.

Adding attachments during the section creation #

To add a section attachment in the test creation wizard, complete the process of adding test information. Then, when adding a new section, utilize the Create New button to upload an attachment from your device. Alternatively, use the Import from the Library button to utilize a previously saved attachment.

section info - test creation

Managing attachments of a created section #

  1. To add a section attachment to a published test, navigate to the Test Section tab of the desired test and click the Details button next to the section name.

Test sections settings

  1. Select the Attachments tab, where you can manage the section attachments, upload new ones using the Create New button, or add an attachment from the library using the Import from Library button.

Manage section attachments

Question Attachment #

It is possible to add different types of multimedia to a single question. To add an attachment to a question, please follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the desired question pool or create a new one in the Question Pools sub-menu.
  2. Create a new question using the Add question button or click the three dots next to the question if you want to edit an existing one.

Question Attachment - Question pools

  1. Click the three dots next to the question text field and select Upload Attachment. Use the Save button to update the question.

Upload question attachment

Besides the multimedia embedded in the question text, you can also attach files in different formats related to the question, such as literature relevant to both the question and its potential answers. You can create a new attachment or choose from the existing library. Kindly check this article for more details regarding the question attachments.

The Add Attachment Dialog #

Whether you are creating a test attachment or a section attachment, the Add Attachment dialog is the same.

  1.  Name – Enter the name of the attachment in this field.
  2. Description – Enter the attachment description.
  3. Show At the Beginning of the Test Only – Enable this option to make the attachment accessible only from the test or section instructions.
  4. Attachment Is Available for Any Test Creator – Enable this option to allow other test creators to use it.
  5. Select the attachment type from the dropdown list and click the Upload button.
  6. Click the Save button to finish creating the attachment.

Add Attachment dialog

Candidates’ perspective of test with attachments #

The test and/or section attachments are, by default, available throughout the entire test/section unless you enable the Show At the beginning of the Test/section Only , which will limit the visibility of the attachment to the instructions dialog.

Test section Attachements - candidate persective Test attachment - candidate perspective

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