How to Create Questions Attachments

This article explains how to add attachments to existing questions in the question pool.

Accessing the Question Pools #

To access the question pools:

  1. Navigate to the Tests tab in the left-side menu and select the Question Pools tab.
  2. Create a new question pool using the New button or select an existing one.

Tests - Question Pools

  1. In the Questions tab, create a new question using the Add question button or click the three dots next to the question if you want to edit an existing one.

Question Attachment pools

  1. Click the show the Advanced Settings button and navigate to the attachments section.

Show advanced settings

Adding attachments in question #

You can import a new attachment from your computer or add new attachments from the library of previously imported or created attachments.

Create or import from library

Creating a new attachment #

Using the Create new button allows you to import a new attachment from your computer. The attachment will be stored in the library for further use.

  1. Enter the name of the attachment.
  2. Optionally enter the description.
  3. Define whether this attachment will be private (you are the only user that can use it for other tests and questions) or public (other users will be able to use this attachment. They will not be able to edit or delete it).
  4. Select the Attachment type and upload the file.
  5. Click Save to add this attachment to the test and store it in the attachment library.

Question attachment create new

Importing attachments from the library #

  1. Click the Import attachments to add new attachments from the library of previously imported or created attachments. The new window with the attachment library will appear, where you can see all previously created attachments or public attachments from other creators stored in the library. Click on the Arrow icon to import the attachment from the library.
  2. Click the Close button to close the window.

Import from library

To see how to create question pools, please watch this video.

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function year_shortcode() { $year = date('Y'); return $year; } add_shortcode('year', 'year_shortcode');