How to Add a video to a training course step description

This article serves as a step-by-step guide on how to incorporate a video into a training course step description, allowing course participants to view it directly on the training course tab.

Note: Including the video in the training step description eliminates the necessity of attaching it to the same step separately. Please check this article to add an attachment to the training step.

Adding the video to the attachments library #

First, the video must be uploaded to the attachments library before it can be added to the training course step description.

  1. Navigate to the main menu and click on the System menu. Select Settings and Customization.
  2. Navigate to the Attachments Library and click on the Create New button.

Upload attachment

  1. In the dialog box for creating a new attachment, provide the attachment name and, optionally, a description.
  2. Select the attachment type from the drop-down menu, in this case, Video (MP4), choose the video file from your device storage, and click the Upload button.
  3. Once the attachment has been successfully uploaded, click the Save button to add it to the library.

Add Attachment to the library

Note: Please be aware that the uploading process may take some time, depending on the size of the attachment.

Adding the video to the training course step description #

To enable the display of the video in a training course step description, please follow these steps:

  1. In the Actions column, click the Copy Link button to copy the link to the video.

Copy link

  1. Go to the Training Courses menu and choose the specific training course you want.

Access the training courses

  1. Navigate to the Training Steps tab and select the desired step.

Select the training step

  1. In the step description dialog, click on the Iframe icon.

Insert the link to the video

  1. Paste the copied video URL into the designated field and adjust the video’s height and width as needed.
  2. Click OK and save the changes by clicking the Save button.

Add video URL Iframe

The candidate’s perspective #

From the candidate’s perspective, the video will be accessible directly on the training course step.

Candidate's perspective

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